Last weekend we gathered all of our closest family and friends and celebrated the life of our son. Our precious, cooing, smiling, blessed son. We celebrated by giving the gift that God gave us right back to Him, and dedicated our son to the Lord. Steve read the two verses that we chose to guide Cutter’s walk towards knowing and loving Christ.
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."Zephaniah 3:17
But the noble man makes noble plans, and by noble deeds he stands. Isaiah 32:8
Quite honestly I can’t find the words to describe how blessed our day was. Friends from far away came and worshipped with us. So many of our family members were there to encourage him and support him. He was a saint and didn’t utter a word through his own ceremony, though he did decide to make his presence known during the little girl’s ceremony that followed his own. He received many a compliment on his good looks and luscious locks – I do believe this child has a future in charming the ladies (should I just lock him up now while I can?!).
Our Pastor prayed over him and for us, which was encouraging and daunting at the same time. It just emphasized for me how much responsibility comes with having a child, and how important it is for us to raise him in a Christian home with Christian ideals. I don’t balk at the severity of this charge but instead relish in the fact that when we walk with Christ, He leads us where we need to go, and that won’t stop in our upbringing of Cutter. He will help us, uplift us, encourage us, and reprimand us when we stray from His path. I can’t think of any other way I’d want to encounter this unfamiliar and intimidating world of parenting! Step by step and hand in hand with The One who made us in the first place.
Afterwards we celebrated back at our home with even more family and friends – this child is not lacking in the department of love, I tell you. Showered with unnecessary but gracious gifts, fed until his voracious appetite was satiated, held in arm after loving arm until he entered into slumbers driven by sheer exhaustion. The kid was quite simply partied out.
We were overwhelmed by the enormous blessings that we just couldn’t ignore throughout the day.
God is so good.
1 comment:
I am glad that we could celebrate with you guys! (and he does have "lucious locks"
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