
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Playing catch up

Silence on the interwebs has meant deafening chaos in the real world, granted all in the best ways. It just means a photo-saturated post to benefit in the catch up.

Backing up to the end of May…

The end of May marked the end of Cutter’s preschool years. He finished his last day of Pre-K and then we all traveled north to spend a weekend with my sister and her family. We, especially the kids, look forward to our time with them. Their daily reality holds the trappings of little boys and girls dreams; ponds filled with tadpoles and fish, ATV (gator) rides, mountain trails, windmills, piles of sand, and a lot of sunshine and fresh air. It was incredibly restful and incredibly satisfying to catch up in person with my sister while our husbands (former college roommates and current coworkers) did the same, albeit in a different fashion. Their nights consisted of outdoor bonfires, plenty of libations, and late night baseball (of the video variety) marathons. At least for us the stereotype sticks; girls like to talk, and we talked a lot. Sisters are good for that.

We came home and Cutter then had his end of the year program where he appeased his mother’s penchant for both bow ties and colored khakis. He was achingly handsome as he stood on stage and sang “Let’s Go Fly a Kite” whilst donning said kite on his wrist, flying it through the air. It was everything that a preschool au revoir should be, and he’s an official kindergartener now. 

We ate a family lunch to celebrate and then headed east to the Jersey shore. We spent a week at my husband’s family beach house in Ocean City, NJ and were blessed with oodles of sunshine and private beach. There is nothing more fitting than to ring in the beginning of summer with a week of shore revelry. It was divine. Ice cream, boardwalk walks and rides, bay crabbing expeditions, salt air, ocean water, sand in every crevice imaginable; it was the beach vacation that everyone hopes for. I only thought I was going into labor once while we were there which was doubly exciting and terrifying. Thankfully our neighbors had offered to serve as babysitters should we need them, which was exactly what we did not want to happen. We celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary and reflected on all that those eight years have brought our way. We wouldn’t change a single second of it, and are grateful to be more in love than ever before. Sorry, sappy I know.

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