Each month as I recount the happenings of my youngest
daughter, a barrage of metaphors, all of which are cliché and tacky, bounce
around in my brain. I can never seem to get past the obvious, “How can this be?
She is already this many months old? Where did the time go?”
And yet, I feel it would
be a disservice to the candor of my heart if I didn’t in some way note them
here. As I watch her hands wrap around mine, her smile spread across her chubby
cheeks, and as her lips reach to kiss mine, those are the questions I ask
myself time and time again. She is gentile, pure, and blessedly delightful. The
synonyms alone just won’t do this aspect of her justice. I love her with my
mama heart and praise Jesus for His grace in giving her to us.
For all the
incredulous musings she is in fact eight months old. And yes, for those that
know me best, that means that there are only four more months to plan a party.
Moxie at 8 months old:
Wearing 9 month clothes, some 12 month pajamas
Wearing size 4 diapers, 5 at night
Weighing 20 pounds, and measuring 27 inches tall
Crawling around like crazy
Attempting to stand and walk at each opportunity
Talking more, chatting the ‘ba-ba’ chant
Gleefully screaming
Laughing at her brother and sister
Wearing bows everyday
Wearing size 4 diapers, 5 at night
Weighing 20 pounds, and measuring 27 inches tall
Crawling around like crazy
Attempting to stand and walk at each opportunity
Talking more, chatting the ‘ba-ba’ chant
Gleefully screaming
Laughing at her brother and sister
Wearing bows everyday
Still a really great sleeper and with school starting (for Cutter) has
adjusted well to our new schedule. Waking for day at 8 am, napping from 1-3 or
4 pm, down for night with bath at 6:30 pm and bedtime at 7 pm (with the other
kids, still). Our only setback this month was a sickness (which warranted her
first sick appointment with the pediatrician) but once we knew what was up, the
schedule came back on its own.
No complaints here. Bottle (7 oz) upon waking, cereal with
veggie for breakfast, lunch is bottle and veggie/fruit & egg (on egg days),
bottle in the afternoon after nap, dinner is veggie or fruit. New foods this
month: egg yolk (hard-boiled), accidentally had strawberries, agave & Greek
yogurt (! – but no reactions). Set to introduce so many more foods this month
and a lot more that she can feed herself as that interest is strong.
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