
Wednesday, September 11, 2013


This week my oldest has ventured into the throes of preschool. We were able to meet his teacher at an informal playground date the week before we left on vacation. 

Cutter thrives on routine. 

Whether I’ve instilled that in him or it’s genetically wired, it remains truth all the same. I made clear we would meet her, go on our vacation or ‘cation’ to the beach, and then when we came home he would get to see his teacher again, but this time in the classroom. 

I’m amazed at how well three and a half year olds do when given only the basics. No fluff, no sugar-coating; the needtoknow’s when they needtoknow. He accepted that readily and though a vacation post is forthcoming, a spoiler – the kid was convinced we had moved to the beach and we were never coming home. Cue the waterworks. 

One crisis averted, ‘cation’ spent, we ventured home and I prepared him for the week ahead. Monday a make-up conference with just him and his teacher and Mommy there to watch, Tuesday time to play with some of the kids, Wednesday church bible study, and Thursday a full day of school with all of the other kids and both of his teachers. 

‘Cation’ seemed to have thrown a real wrench in his routine-loving rhythm, but thankfully after a few days the kinks have gone away and he’s back to his predictable self. Monday’s conference was sublimely rewarding. 

His teacher loves Jesus, projects that on the kids, knows our family from church, is patient and quiet, and sakes alive – there was a ‘Blue’ aka Finn McMissile car that he found to play with. Sold.

On Tuesday when I took him in, he walked right up to his hook, hung up his book bag without any of my offerings of help, walked into the classroom – asked where 'Blue' was – and went off on his merry preschool way. When I came back to pick him up he was happily assembling a puzzle on the table, one of the last children in the class. He would not leave until he finished; tenacity and determination (read::stubborn to the core) run deep within him.

He made me a very happy mama. 

Tomorrow will be his first full day (9-12) and though he is never very forthcoming on the details, based on his overall willing and joyful demeanor, I’d say he’s excited about it.

I, for one, couldn’t be happier. 

It’s clear that this was the right time to send him. 

My baby is on his way.

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