
Friday, May 31, 2013

The One Where I'm Pregnant Again

No suspense needed – we’re expanding our family again!
Next January should be a fun month for our brood.

Our peanut.

I’m seven and a half weeks pregnant. We’ve been able to see our baby’s heartbeat twice already, and we have nothing but praise for those intimate snapshots of God’s ordained handiwork that we have been graciously privileged to view. This baby has been prayed for and placed in the hands of its Maker. We can do no more than leave it to Him and cherish each day we’re blessed to be parents to this gift. 

I love traditional hymns but every so often find a voice that I resonate with in the modern Christian music genre.  Alli Rogers’ song Praise the Lamb has been on repeat for me the past few weeks. I can do nothing more than glorify Him in this, and purpose to fully trust Him. 

Something I’ve been personally fighting lately has been control. Many of the Scriptures I’ve been reading have pointed this out to me, and more than a few sermons have culminated in this point. Especially this one from a few weeks back from our Pastor, Todd Pruitt, on Psalm 23. 

I am not in control.
God is in control and He will not fail me.
I need to allow Him to drive out the fear and anxiety in my life, and put my complete (and radical) trust in Him.

Alli Rogers' Praise the Lamb 
You are my sacrifice
My lamb I lay on the altar
So that I may have life
Your blood is my way to the Father

So I offer up my life
It’s all that I have to give
And I confess that I have sinned
Praise the Lamb, praise the Lamb
Praise the Lamb
Who was slain

Almighty God, beheld in flesh
Your body, murdered and buried
Rising up, overcoming death
While our burdens, you lifted and carried

So I offer up my life
It’s all that I have to give
And I confess that I have sinned
Praise the Lamb, praise the Lamb
Praise the Lamb
Who was slain

With one sacrifice
You have forever made perfect
Those who are being made holy
We are being made holy
We are being made holy

So I offer up my life
It’s all that I have to give
And I confess that I have sinned
Praise the Lamb, praise the Lamb
Praise the Lamb
Who was slain


1 comment:

Alina said...

So happy for you!