
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Most Wonderful Time of The Year

A confession of sorts.
This is one of my favorite times of the year. It is not because of the humid, oppressive conditions nor is it because the rest of the world is on vacation sans me, but rather -- it is for those coveted back to school sales. You know the Staples commercial, "It's the most wonderful time of the year!" Sakes alive I have a love affair with office supplies (specifically binders, dividers, and file folders; and thus my three-hole punch) that each year at this time is deservedly quenched with sale after sale of organizational delight. Strange, but true.

When I graduated college I had a momentary realization that come fall I would have no folders or binders to buy, whatever would I do? Thankfully, I garnered my first job and was able to dive headfirst into organizing my office space and found plenty of uses for binders and dividers. The next fall my now husband presented me a brand new organizing feat - planning our wedding. Binders again were my go-to fail safe.

I also do not like to throw things away. Hence, I have almost an entire bookshelf of binders filled with important notes and documents. I have our wedding binder, bible studies, papers from college, my sister's bridal shower and baby shower, a financial documents binder, events from get the point. I like to plan.

Organization brings me happiness like nothing else, and every fall I get re-stocked enough to tackle the next year's projects, both planned and unplanned.

One of my goals this year is to embrace the embarrassing space that is our loft. I refuse to even reveal a picture of it at the moment - picture a renovation coupled with baby showers and closet overhauls. It's daunting to say the least, but necessary and satisfying. I haven't had the time to address the clutter as I would like due to the heat. We do not have air conditioning and sitting in the highest room in the house has not held much appeal as of late. Thankfully, though, temperatures have been waning and my itch to organize has never been stronger.

A few trips to the store and I will be ready to file and punch holes to my heart's content. There has never been a happier girl, I tell you this!

1 comment:

Julie and Stephen said...

Ummm...should any financial troubles arise, you could always try professional organizing :-)