I was reminded over the weekend of the impending release from the Disney vault of one of my absolute favorite Disney movies, Beauty and the Beast. It is hard to imagine that I was only nine years old when it first debuted in the theaters, and that it only cost $4.00 for the ticket. Every single time that Disney releases a classic from their vault I almost always purchase it; they have successfully scared me into believing I will never be able to get my hands on it ever again, and thus I purchase. They have an excellent marketing team.
Of all the Disney movies that were released in my youth, Beauty and the Beast stands out the most. Aladdin is a close second followed by The Lion King in third. Beauty became a standard for chorus selections, and family re-enactments. My sister, Aunt and I knew the script word for word, and would happily recite them over and over until my mother convinced us to just put on our own production. We did and I remember taping it on my pink tape deck, only years later to record over it with what I'm sure was a medley of Ace of Base and Tiffany. I wish it was still around so I could enjoy what I'm sure was a memorable performance.
Next week you can bet that I will be among the throngs headed to purchase a bit of my childhood in the hopes that my own child will enjoy it as much as I did.
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