
Friday, August 13, 2010

Six Months

Seis. Sechs. Seks. Zes. Six.

Happy to be Six Months Old

An entire half a year has gone by since I have given birth to this monkey. And monkey he is – he is always wriggling around, hanging on to something, rolling here or there, just not quite crawling yet. I am completely okay with that! The more time he can give me to prepare, the better.

At 6 months Cutter is:

• Officially in size 6-9 month clothes
• Wearing size 2 diapers during the day, 2-3 at night
• Tipping the scales at 15 pounds, 12 ounces and is 26 inches long
• Sleeping through the night for the most part – an occasional wake-up here and there but typically goes down around 6:30 pm or 7 pm and then is up for the day at 7 am.
• Napping 2-3 times a day for 1-2 hours.
• Officially weaned (a process he initiated; insert tears shed here). He now takes 4 bottles a day, 6 oz each.
• Eating three meals a day with fruits, vegetables and cereal. His repertoire has expanded to butternut squash, acorn squash, bananas, apples, pears (his favorite), sweet potatoes, and avocados.
• Wriggling all over the place, but not quite crawling
• Sitting independently
• Eating at his highchair with the family
• Saying, “da, ma, hi, hey, and ahhhhh”
• Raking everything towards him with his hands
• Loving mirrors and the water, still
• A wee bit of a whiner – we’re working on that one

I’m a little surprised at how fast the past six months have flown by, but in truth I know I should just prepare for them to pass by even more quickly. Cutter is changing every day; there is always something new and exciting going on - and I am so glad that I am able to be home with him and be present for all of the changes. Being a SAHM* is a huge blessing and I am very cognizant of the sacrifices that are being made (on all levels) for me to be with Cutter every day. My husband works his hands to the bone daily and at times even nightly to provide financially for our family so that I can be Cutter’s primary caregiver. My parents have given up part of their square footage (both physical and emotional) in their heart and home and a large part of their privacy so that we will have minimal living expenses in order to make the transition to one income a little more comfortable. Even on the worst days I am eternally thankful for those sacrifices and the ones who are making them for me. Cutter and I both would like to thank you for giving us this precious time we will never get back, but that I will never forget.

In six more months I will be the mother of a one year old. I do believe it is party planning time.

*(SAHM) Stay At Home Mom

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