
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Just Because

The chubby baby thighs are just oh so scrumptious.
I love him so very much.


Jase and Melissa said...

What is it about chubby baby legs? I mean, adults with chubby legs do nothing for me. Pre-season game outfit for tonight??

Tina DiCroce said...

What a beautiful picture! Adorable!

Emily said...

And then there are the crevices created by the rolls, you just kinda wanna set up shop in there and never leave :) Are the band-aids from shots?

The Trendy Family said...

So cute... where did you get the Eagles Onsesie... we could use a couple of them!

lauren said...

@Melissa - Pre-season is right!

@Trendy - a gift from a dear friend - but I have seen them at Target cheap :-) And we both know they grow so quickly at this stage that cheap is key!

lauren said...

@Emily - yes from his 6 month check up, poor guy got it in both legs this time