
Monday, July 19, 2010

Relief from the heat

Daddy and Cutter

The heat and humidity as of late have done wonders for my waistline. The constant glow that I exude has helped the remaining pregnancy pounds to quite literally melt away from my frame. My hair is not so thankful for the “just permed” look, but I’m willing to trade the frizzy locks for a trimmer physique – I’ll take it any way I can get it.

Waistlines and hair concerns aside, we enjoyed a respite from the heat last weekend at Steve’s Dad’s. We took Cutter over and though he had been in baby pools and oceans prior to this occasion – he had yet to experience the glories of what us Baptists like to call full immersion in the adult pool.
Swimsuits donned, sunscreen applied, hats affixed, sunglasses on - and we were ready for our day at the pool (yes, for all three of us).
Not surprisingly, Cutter took to the water right away and quite literally did not come out for the better part of the next hour and a half. His little feet were prunes when he resurfaced! His Aunts held him and carried him through the pool encouraging him to kick and splash his arms. His Grandmother carried him around and splashed with him. His Grandfather loved on him and carried him through the water. Cutter was completely enthralled.

He was quite taken by the waterfall and tried to catch the water in his hands as it was spilling over into the pool. Steve let him hang out in his chair for a little bit, and he tested out his Eagles float. I was quite convinced at one point he was so relaxed that he would have just fallen asleep and napped in the pool if we had let him. He is a fish, and in the best way possible.

He proved his readiness for the ocean earlier this month, and now I see that he is just as ready for the pool. I think we are all set for vacation!

Cutter with Aunt Mal and Daddy - Go Eagles!
Daddy and Cutter

Aunt Mal and Cutterbug

1 comment:

Jase and Melissa said...

Do you know we call Caid, "caidbug" - So ironic. Love the new pics...but none of the trim waistline? Kidding.