Only one little man in this tub!
It only took 3 1/2 weeks, but Cutter finally lost his umbilical cord stump last Friday. I had been chomping at the bit to give him a full bath since the poor kid had only had sponge baths up to that point. With much trepidation we decided that last night he would get his first official bath. We opened the bath tub we had been gifted and laid out all of our "tools." Towels, washcloths, soap, tub, rinse pitcher, extra diaper, extra washcloths, extra towels...(we are first time parents, you can never have too much preparation!).
We set up the tub on the island in the kitchen right in front of the sink and started to fill it with water - the directions on the tub box said, 'water should be warm to the elbow,' so we tested with our elbow to be sure. You should always follow directions. Then we realized there was a large pool of water - UNDER - the tub. We quickly moved it back to the sink and poured out the water. In doing so, Steve noticed a label on the bottom of the tub that read, 'To Prevent Leakage, firmly press forward and down here until you hear a loud pop.' Alas, we had not popped!
Lesson learned, we popped and carried on with filling the tub, checking the water temperature again with our elbow. Again, one must always follow directions!
We undressed him and laid him in the water, fully prepared for the screams that were sure to follow, only to be greeted with a quiet and content baby. Steve held on tight while I scrubbed and soaped him up. I was so glad to be able to clean him from head to toe though I'm pretty sure he could have cared less. Mind you, since it was our first time it took a little longer than usual so by the end he was pretty much over being wet, but overall I'd have to say that his first bath was a success.
We, of course, snapped the requisite naked baby pictures, and he obliged with his foot strategically placed and all.
love the bath pics! i vividly remember giving pax his first bath. pres and i felt so accomplished. :)
cutter is such a cutie pie!
so cute! i think ava pooped in her first bath so you're definitely one up on us;-) i remember thinking, how am i EVER going to be able to do this by myself??
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