After what seemed like an eternity, last Friday we made the preparations to actually go on an outing together as a family. The only time I had been out of the house since Cutter had been born had been his doctor's appointments, and let's be honest, that's not really an outing. We decided that a trip to Babies R Us was in order. The bouncy seat that I had purchased last fall at a children's sale was not working for him, and so we wanted to find one that would cradle him and support him more. Thankfully, the trip was not near as traumatizing as I had envisioned it would be (read: baby please don't cry while we are out for fear I will not be able to soothe you!) and so we decided to make a real trip of it and headed to the mall for a quick lunch. I'm still not eating dairy or any spicy or controversial foods (poor guy has reflux), so the old stand-by of Chick Fil A came to the rescue. Cutter slept the entire time, and only woke up as we were pulling into our driveway.
On Saturday, I had plans to attend a friend's baby shower. I was more than a little nervous to go out with just me and Cutter - but again, he was a perfect angel. He slept the whole way there, while we were there, and the whole way home. Those two trips definitely helped to boost my confidence, so much so that I decided since yesterday was so beautiful out - we would head to the park for a walk.
I can't claim complete ownership of that outing, but have my brother to thank for keeping me sane through that one. He sat in the back seat with Cutter while we drove to the park and kept me company while we walked. Cutter slept the whole time which, again, was fantastic, but Jason certainly helped to calm me down. I had a few things I wanted to get at CVS, and so Jason kept an eye on Cutter in the car so I wouldn't have to bring him in with me.
Slowly I'm gaining confidence in being a mother and learning his cues. It really is hard for me to believe that tomorrow he will be one month old. I can't believe that he and I have been together for that much time, and that there is still so much he is teaching me!
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