Yes, I am still here! I had an appointment this morning and there is no more progress to report. Apparently I make quite the home for babies and he just isn't ready to leave it yet. He lets me know that by his constant rolling and poking - which I have been told repeatedly I will miss when this is all over and done with. Although I do admit I am more than ready to meet this little guy, I am also more than happy for him to take his time and come when he is ready and not a second before. I'm so happy that I made it this far and truthfully each day he can stay in there and remain healthy and strong is a blessing to me.
So this my friends, is what an almost 40 week pregnant woman looks like.
Huge, enormous, and large - I really never in my wildest dreams thought that I would make it this far - and get this big.
I cannot believe that we are about to get hit with another snowstorm that will be fairly similar in accumulation to this past weekend's monster. If this storm delivers what they say it will - it will put Philadelphia over it's winter precipation record to make this the snowiest winter on record since 1995-96 (I would have been in seventh grade). Bring on the record-breaking! So many places have already cancelled or closed for tomorrow in anticipation of the coming snow, so I suppose we will be cozying up again with some good books and hot chocolate. I really can't complain too much with that.
Tomorrow is Abby's birthday and I think the perfect day for the little guy to come :) Just my two cents!
I can't believe you wrote that comment just before going into labor! It only goes to show that just because you don't show signs, it doesn't mean that baby isn't on its way! I am so so excited for you and look forward to keeping up with your blog as you venture into mommyhood.
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