
Friday, April 19, 2013

Oh, to be a kid again.

It has been a rather dreary and dull morning here, today. Both kids slept in and we endeavored on a leisurely field trip to our fail safe, Target. We picked up a few necessities and then headed home to snuggle up on the couch and watch The Lorax, of course.

At its glorious conclusion (after singing "Let it Grow" at the top of his lungs) Cutter asked if he could go outside and play in the puddles, to which I shuddered, grimaced and answered YES. In truth, I really hate when the kids get dirty and have been trying to let that part of my type-A psyche diminish; perfect opportunity here.

The two of them were thrilled that I allowed them to play in the rain; score one for Mommy guilt. I need to be more of a yes-mom

Puddle-jumping, wet hands, wet pants - two happy kids. You'll notice, his boots are on the wrong feet, but he can do it himself and that is an accomplishment he is proud of. 


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