
Monday, December 27, 2010

Wilson Christmas

Just adorable

Our Christmas festivities began with a Wilson family celebration held at my grandparent's home. All but one cousin attended and she was very much missed. Otherwise, the whole brood was accounted for, and holiday revelry ensued.

Santa's little helper

This was our first experience with Cutter and Christmas and his eyes were glistening and marveling at all of the decorations, the lights, and the presents - oh the presents. This little mister sure is loved! His first Christmas was magical beyond belief and it is one that I will always remember.

Longenecker's 2010

Opening gifts, he loved it!

Certainly unintended, we managed to spread our virus to each one of my cousins - and their family.
Despite the ill-fated germ invasion, the day was a smashing success.

Wilson Cousins minus Danielle

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