
Friday, May 14, 2010

Wall Art

Leave it to me to take three months to hang something on the wall of my child's nursery. At times I worry myself over my indecisiveness and unwillingness to commit to putting a hole in a wall - as if the structural integrity of the wall depends on where I hang a picture. *sigh*

I got over my unfounded fear of nail-pounding and enlisted Steve's carpentry skills yet again. I wanted to have something for Cutter's name in the room - but I was hesitant to hang something with his entire name spelled out. In steps the letter 'C' to the rescue. I had bought this 'C' a while back and it wasn't quite the right white for the room. Due to the recent closet make-over, he had to purchase another gallon and so I jumped at the opportunity for him to transform the letter for me into a piece of art instead of the third installment of the alphabet. He painted the 'C' and at my urging made a frame and back for it. He painted the background the color of the other walls in the nursery, so that it would stand out on the accent wall we hung it on. It is all that I envisioned and more, and the best part - made by Daddy for his little boy. It doesn't get much better than that.

I should have taken the obnoxious circle of noise that is Fisher Price down before I took the picture. Hopefully I've erased the stigma of nail holes and will hang the rest of the art that we have for his room - including the beautiful mobile he just received as a gift from an old friend of mine. A separate post for that!

1 comment:

Jase and Melissa said...

Looks great Lauren! Steve is an artistic genius. Hammer away!