
Friday, April 9, 2010


I thought I'd share a blog that continually is inspiring me to envision, create and do - though I usually end up having trouble when it comes to the actual doing.

Centsational Girl written by Kate, sits in my Google Reader and daily I look forward to reading about her newest DIY project. Just recently she re-did her step-daughter's bedroom and I absolutely love each and every aspect of it. The colors, the designs, the simple elegance of it - if only I could transfer this room to my own it would be perfect!

Image via Centsational Girl

I can only hope by reading so much about her designs and her determination that perhaps soon some of those creative juices will begin to rub off on me - I'm beginning to feel as if I lost my mojo since I had my baby. All in good time I suppose, but for now, I'll satisfy my doing by reading her blog.


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