Happy Easter!
It took some doing but I was able to get everything in order this morning to get both myself and Cutter ready and out the door in time for church this morning. Of course, we documented the occasion with the requisite Easter family photo, our first of many to come over the years.
Cutter received many visits from the Easter Bunny over the past few days. His Grandma sent him a gift in the mail which we still have to use (thank you GK!) and his other Grandma and Poppy monogrammed his Easter basket for him and filled it with lots of fun goodies. Gramie and Grampie got him a baseball basket filled with clothes, his first Story Bible, Sesame Street songs, and a Big Bird puppet which he is beyond thrilled with. His face lights up when he sees that puppet! Steve and I got him a few books and a Baby Einstein DVD and I made sure to give him a card that I will add to his keepsake box. You can’t say that this child is not loved!
We spent Easter at my grandparent’s with all of my family and had such a nice time. This was Cutter’s first visit to his great-grandparent’s home and he enjoyed it immensely – sleeping and eating in a new place was very exciting for him today!
This morning at church I had to take a moment and just revel in how blessed we are to have this little guy in our life. We were sitting in the back and I just had an overwhelming moment where I realized how content I felt to have Steve beside me and Cutter in between the two of us.
Cutter had a big day and got his bath and is in dreamland as we speak. Here’s hoping the night sleep begins to be extended this week since we’re coming up on the monumental 2-month mark. One can but hope, right?
Love the pictures and the commentary. What a fun first Easter!
Cutter sounds like he had an amazing first Easter! So glad you were able to praise in the flesh and be so moved by the word; you truly are so blessed!
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