I've been perusing the internet searching for some options for Cutter's dedication outfit (eek - only a month and I have a party to plan still!), but stumbled upon
this website in the process and have been drooling over these adorable outfits.

These would be what you could call your more traditional baby clothing style - and I love them. How cute are these bubbles and rompers?

I may just have to get an outfit (or two) for Cutter. They are perfect for Sunday outfits to church.
Rompers and "jon-jons" are my latest obsession for Kincaid. Great choice- Maybe you should mmove South with me!
Gladly, Melissa. We can drink gallons of sweet tea, eat oodles of buttery goodness, and have playdates with our boys in their "jon-jons." And then we can plan our Junior League teas and parties.
Thanks so much for this link... i have been searching for outfits like this for a couple of special events we have planned this summer. They will be perfect!
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