This morning we had our 20 week ultrasound to check on the health of the baby, and to determine the sex. I know that we had said we wanted to wait to find out the sex upon birth, but truth be told I was convinced otherwise by the meager gender neutral selections available in baby land. I became determined that this baby was going to be blue or pink.
Surprise! We are having a baby boy!
Confirming my suspicions all along!
I was absolutely amazed at the level of detail that the ultrasound could detect. I expected to be at the appointment for at the most fifteen minutes but we were in the office for about an hour just looking at every single part of our baby.
We are so thankful to the Lord that our baby is healthy and progressing normally, though for now he is a bit small. I'm pretty happy with that as long as he is developing as he should.
Steve and I both had tears in our eyes and were just so overjoyed to be able to connect to our baby in this special way. Knowing now that we are having a boy, makes it all the more "real" and exciting now to plan and prepare for his arrival.
Now we are half-way there!
We're very excited for you guys!!
Congratulations guys! Every little thing you find out about him will make it seem that much more real! We are excited for you both.
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